Transfer Photos and Videos from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod ...

SelecttheiCloudPhotoscheckbox.Ifyoudon'thavethelatestmacOS(Mojave),thischeckboxistitlediCloudPhotoLibrary.,,2024年5月22日—ToTransferPhotosfromMactoiPhoneUsingiTunes(formacOSMojaveandearlier):.ConnectyouriPhonetoyourMacandlaunchiTunesifit ...,2022...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How To Transfer Photos From iPhone To Mac

Select the iCloud Photos checkbox. If you don't have the latest macOS (Mojave), this checkbox is titled iCloud Photo Library.

How to Transfer Photos from Mac to Your iPhone

2024年5月22日 — To Transfer Photos from Mac to iPhone Using iTunes (for macOS Mojave and earlier):. Connect your iPhone to your Mac and launch iTunes if it ...

How to transfer photos from your Mac to your iPhone

2022年8月11日 — Plug in your iPhone or iPad to your Mac. Launch Finder (iTunes in macOS Mojave and earlier) if it doesn't open automatically. Click on your ...

How to Use Your iPhone as Your Mac's Camera or Scanner

2019年1月31日 — mojave-take-photo What you see after choosing Take Photo in a document (left) and the Finder (right). Take the photo on your iDevice by ...

macOS Mojave Lets You Import Photos Straight from ...

2018年9月26日 — macOS Mojave has a cool new feature that lets you import photos or scan documents straight from your iPhone or iPad. We'll show you how it ...

Transfer photos and videos from your iPhone or iPad to ...

2024年4月26日 — Transfer photos and videos from your iPhone or iPad to your Mac or PC ... With the Photos app and a USB cable, you can transfer photos and videos ...


SelecttheiCloudPhotoscheckbox.Ifyoudon'thavethelatestmacOS(Mojave),thischeckboxistitlediCloudPhotoLibrary.,,2024年5月22日—ToTransferPhotosfromMactoiPhoneUsingiTunes(formacOSMojaveandearlier):.ConnectyouriPhonetoyourMacandlaunchiTunesifit ...,2022年8月11日—PluginyouriPhoneoriPadtoyourMac.LaunchFinder(iTunesinmacOSMojaveandearlier)ifitdoesn'topenautomatically.Clickonyour ...,2019年1月31日—mojave...